Not alphabetical. Working Groups as self-described & posted at City Hall
Not in alphabetical order
Working Group (WG
Another name for a committee. Autonoumously generated. Anyone can start one. Represents only itself.
Another name for a committee. Autonoumously generated. Anyone can start one. Represents only itself.
General Assembly (GA)
Discussion & decision making body of the whole. Decisions made by G.A. represent Occupy Philadelphia
Bottom Liner
Those in a GA, through regular participation & availability, able to serve as Principle Contacts
Coordinating Committee (CoCo)
Vets & sends proposals to Facilitation, which puts them on agenda for GA & discussion. OPEN TO ALL. Voting limited to those representing WG.
Stage manages agenda for GA. Experienced facilitators available to help guide meetings in WG’s and elsewhere if needed.
Stage manages agenda for GA. Experienced facilitators available to help guide meetings in WG’s and elsewhere if needed.
The guidelines agreed to manage decision making. Not fixed. Open to revision & change by the GA.
The guidelines agreed to manage decision making. Not fixed. Open to revision & change by the GA.
Current Process for decision making (10/27/11).
1) Facilitator asks for QUALIFYING QUESTIONS (what is this about? What does it entail?) STACK is taken for those who want to speak
2) Facilitator asks for CONCERNS. STACK is taken for those who want to speak
3)FRIENDLY AMENDMENTS. Suggested changes subordinate to Proposal itself. STACK is taken4)Non-Binding STRAW POLL by show of hands, first of FRIENDLY AMENDMENTS, then of PROPOSAL 5)Binding vote. Super majority (currently defined as 2/3rd) required for approval or rejection,
6) If there is no clear majority for either FRIENDLY AMENDMENT or PROPOSAL, discussion may be continued with additional CLARIFYING QUESTIONS, & CONCERNS, and/or BREAK OUT into small groups for discussion.
7) Begin again with Concerns...
Proposal Item brought to GA (or WG) for general approval or rejection
Qualifying Question See PROCESS
Concerns See PROCESS
Straw Poll See PROCESS
Super Majority See PROCESS
Hand Signals Gestures to speed decision making and discussions and take pulse
of group. Currently in use with Occupy Philadelphia: ‘applause/approval: hands-up, wiggle fingers. Disapprove: point fingers down, wiggle. Speak louder! Point upward. Move it along, you’ve made your point, rolling motion with hands in opposite directions.
People’s MIC When amplification not used, speaker uses short phrases (4 words are optimum) & whole group repeats to create human amplification
Stack Facilitation role. Takes names of those who want to speak
Progressive Stack Favor those who have not spoken, women, people of color— anyone who might otherwise be marginalized by domination by a few
Working Groups (Committees)
Direct Actions Coordinates Marches and Rallies
Food Accepts Food donations/ prepares meals
Comfort Accepts & distributes tents, blankets, clothes…
Medical Provides basic medical support
Donations & Resources Accepts & distributes donations & resources
TECH I.T. support
Facilitation Organizes GA/ provides facilitation service. Meets daily at 6 PM. Open to all
Environmental Present focus—Stop Fracking/ Tar Sand/ Mt Top Removal
Homeless Outreach Support citizens without homes
Outreach & Solidarity Works with different WGs – intra Occupy Philly
Media Press dept (seeking camera personalities)
Information Provides schedule of events & general information
Communication Improves inter WG communications & public relations
Legal Legal support
Arts Crafts signs –Occupatioin Art/Poetry
Education & Training
Coordinating Committee (CoCo) Receives reports from WGs & selects proposals for GA. ALL WELCOME. Meets daily, 5 PM
Festival, Events
Safer Spaces Develop community norms so we all feel safe
Friends Center Coordinates Oph with FC
Occupy Housing Harvey’s Homeless Tour
Sharing Our Community Translating real democracy to our government
Move Your Money Promotes moving money from banks to Credit Unions
Music Collective
Philly Occupy Together Cross-Occupational/Regional/National/International expansion of Occupation movement
Messaging Surveys, develops talking points
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