Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A long term proposal for non-violent revolutionary action.



  1. Unrelated to this post: I'm glad you're OK. About three days ago I got a couple dozen google pings off "Jacob Russell suicide Philadelphia." Didn't think it was you, was hoping it wasn't you.


  2. Group house idea: nice!
    Will take a working group of committed individuals to put into practice. There is so much that goes into being able to share living space with compatible individuals. Merely believing in the movement is not nearly enough. Rules are fine and dandy but life experience has showed me how things really work is not what is printed on a page. It's about personalities and managing group cohesion. Sometimes creating a commune creates mor problems than it solves. When you awaken ideals of utopia you bring out the beasts as well.

  3. def interested - have a couple logistical hurdles in switching address due to my in nj state tuition discounts and some social services but im sure there are some creative workarounds for those. please keep us informed as things develop: mattymoo at gmail dot com :)

  4. First would like an OP Working Group to work out what this might look like as an Occupy Philly network: some codes of conduct on matters importance for all: good neighbor rules, commitment to non-violence, non-discrimination. Can also explore ideas about income sharing, making connections with vacant lot/urban gardening people. An OP WG can be means of maintaining connections between houses, sharing and solving problems and getting to know people before committing to living arrangements.
