Friday, February 15, 2008

Eating India

Let the reader figure out the connection: the extended discussion in comments following my conversation with Stephen Crowe ...

In Chandrahas Chaudhury's The Middle Stage, linked from The Mint.

It could be said of good food writing that no matter how far afield the writer ventures, he or she always has one foot set at home...

...But the element that really binds Eating India into a whole larger than the sum of its parts is the intriguing personality and complicated life story of the author, glimpses of which appear at several points in the text. The voice that speaks throughout with such a distinctive tone—cultivated, empathetic, wise, yet sometimes oddly wistful and vulnerable—reveals itself to be that of a woman now based in a country (America) halfway across the world from where she was brought up, unable to abide by religious belief, and without a secure place in the perception of people after a failed marriage to a Muslim. This paradoxical mélange of rootedness in food and itinerancy in life and in thought gives Eating India a totally unforgettable flavour.

Forget the arguments... get into the food!


  1. I ain't no freakin' doggy, moi's a freakin' monkey.

    Stay on groovin' safari,

  2. We could all use more joie du chien in our lives, eh?

    toi est moi
    et moi at toi
    qui who he and who he hage!

    Le singe me moque
    Le singe tu moque
    mais le chien se lever le visage!

    Dogs forever! ... and me with a cat with his head on arm...

    Never saw a monkey with a mustache
