Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trace, Absence, Remnant: The Critical Task

One can only hope for readers who notice the cracks you've left, and the light that shines through from the other side.

I've been thinking about the Trace. As through a cloud chamber an energized particle passes, ionizing the cloud medium, marking the path of the particle--a trace that is not itself the moving particle that made it, but its sign. So a poem, a work of art. What is left on the page, the canvas, resonating in our hearing: the Trace of the encounter that is its meaning. An absence marked, or mark of what is absent.
The critical task, both necessary and impossible, is to evoke through a second level encounter with the Trace (the Thing left to mark the Absence... the Lacanian Real ?) -- the shape of the relationship between the remnant and that which is no longer there and cannot be reclaimed, renamed, recounted. A second Trace, a second Absence.


  1. Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.
